Cognitive decline

What is Cognitive Decline?

Cognitive decline refers to a gradual worsening of mental functions like memory, reasoning, attention, language, etc. It is a natural part of aging. However, some people experience cognitive decline earlier or more severely than expected.

Common Signs

Main Causes

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Risk Factors

Controllable risks that may accelerate decline:
* Lack of exercise - physical activity benefits brain health
* Smoking and alcohol abuse - promote blood vessel damage and cell death
* Vitamin deficiencies - vitamins like B12 support neural functioning
* Sleep deprivation - disrupts clearance of proteins linked to neurological diseases
* Social isolation - lack of social ties associates with poorer cognitive health


If you're concerned about cognitive decline, Optimal Hormone Health Center() offers comprehensive hormone, nutritional and genetic testing to assess your risk and formulate personalized prevention plans. Maintaining hormonal balance and brain plasticity is key to lifelong cognitive health - schedule a consult today!

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