Disease resistance - Optimal Hormone Health Center

What is disease resistance?

Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant to limit or withstand the effects of a pathogen or disease. There are several types of disease resistance in plants:

There are a few key ways that plants achieve disease resistance:

Breeding crops for improved disease resistance is hugely important for sustainable agriculture. Durable disease resistance allows farmers to reduce pesticide use and lower production costs. This is especially critical as many fungi, bacteria, and viruses evolve to overcome resistant crop varieties over time.

Finding and introducing new resistance genes also helps avoid devastating disease epidemics like the late blight of potato in Ireland from 1845-1852. Developing crops with broad-spectrum, horizontal resistance through gene pyramiding has become a major breeding strategy for many pathosystems.

At Optimal Hormone Health Center Therapy Clinic, we help patients struggling with low energy, poor sleep, and weight gain get customized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormones, nutrition plans, and lifestyle changes. Our experts can help you balance your hormones for improved health and disease resistance! Call today to schedule a free consultation.

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