
Estrogen is one of the key hormones that both men and women produce. It plays an important role in several bodily functions. Some key facts about estrogen:

Estrogen production occurs mainly in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and fat tissues. The three major types of estrogen in women are:

Some key estrogen functions include:

Balancing Your Hormones with Optimal Hormone Health Center

As we age, hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to unpleasant symptoms. The expert physicians at Optimal Hormone Health Center can help identify and treat hormonal issues through cutting-edge testing and personalizied treatment plans including bioidentical hormone therapy. Their innovative approaches help both men and women achieve better health and vitality.

I highly recommend () or scheduling a consultation to learn more about optimizing your hormone levels. Use promo code ESTROGEN20 to save 20% off your first appointment!

Some key takeaways about estrogen:

I hope this overview has helped explain what estrogen is, its key functions, and when hormone imbalances may need medical attention. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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