Estrogen and progesterone are key female sex hormones that regulate many bodily functions. As women go through menopause, their bodies produce less of these hormones, which can lead to unpleasant symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can provide relief by supplying synthetic versions of these hormones.
There are important differences between estrogen and progesterone HRT:
- Sources:
- Estrogen HRT typically uses the hormone estradiol, the main estrogen naturally made by the ovaries.
- Progesterone HRT uses the hormone progesterone, the main progesterone secreted by the ovaries.
- Forms:
- Estrogen HRT comes in pills, skin patches, gels, sprays and vaginal preparations.
- Progesterone HRT comes in pills, vaginal gels/suppositories/tablets.
- Regimens:
- Estrogen HRT can be taken every day or cycled - where you take it for some days then stop.
- Progesterone HRT is often taken for 10-14 days per month or cycled with estrogen.
- Benefits:
- Estrogen relieves hot flashes, vaginal dryness, bone loss and mood issues.
- Progesterone protects the uterus from estrogen's effects, which reduces endometrial cancer risk.
- Risks:
- Estrogen HRT slightly elevates breast cancer likelihood after many years.
- Progesterone counteracts this increased risk.
Below are some key points about each
hormone therapy:
Estrogen HRT
- Alleviates hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause.
- Treats vaginal atrophy symptoms like dryness, irritation, painful sex.
- Prevents osteoporosis by maintaining healthy bone mineral density.
- Improves mood, memory and cognition impacted by declining estrogen.
- Requires taking progesterone too to prevent uterine cancer from unopposed estrogen.
- Comes with upfront side effects like breast tenderness, nausea, swelling.
- Slightly increases longer term breast cancer and blood clots risks.
If you're struggling with menopause symptoms, the compassionate team at Optimal Hormone Health Center offers customized estrogen HRT treatment plans to help you feel like yourself again.
Progesterone HRT
- Does not treat hot flashes, mood issues or vaginal atrophy symptoms.
- Protects endometrial lining of uterus from unopposed estrogen therapy.
- Lowers risk of endometrial hyperplasia that can lead to ~~uterine cancer~~.
- Research shows it neutralizes increased breast cancer risk from estrogen.
- Reported to have calming, anti-anxiety and mood balancing properties.
- Fewer systemic side effects than estrogen, but can cause breast tenderness.
- Available as pills, vaginal gels, suppositories or IUD that releases progestin.
The knowledgeable health professionals at Optimal Hormone Health Center specialize in crafting personalized progesterone regimens to complement your estrogen replacement plan.
In summary, while both are vital female hormones that decline during menopause, estrogen and progesterone have different roles and effects when used for HRT:
- Estrogen primarily alleviates menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Progesterone protects uterine health.
- Estrogen carries higher risks like breast cancer that progesterone neutralizes.
- They are often prescribed together in combined hormone therapy.
- Delivery methods and dosing regimens differ between the two.
Reach out today to see if HRT incorporating bioidentical estrogen, progesterone or both is right for you! The Optimal Hormone Health Center team is here to help.